Color by number app idea | need help/Tips

Hello, this post is prob gonna be useless for most people but its worth to try and ask it here.

Im not a developer but i really want to create Color by number application and i already have all of the art and everything ells.
I just dont know a thing about coding or creating apps.. :sweat_smile:
Any tips would help a lot!!
I also did actually tried android studio, unity and unreal but idk i just dont know how it works even with 12+ hours of tutorials lol.

I was also thinking on adding my beats to the app so it wont be boring for people and they can relax even more because it will be chillhop/lofi beats etc.
I think its a nice idea :slight_smile: all of the other apps doesnt have music of this type or music at all sadly from what i tried.


Start by doing all the tutorials, through Paint Pot.

Also look through the extensions directory for canvas flood fill extensions

If you want to avoid extensions, here is a technique you might try, using the Canvas block that can draw and fill an arbitrarily bumpy polygon and fill it, given a list of the points on its edge.

The catch here is in generating and saving that points list for each area in your image.

You would need a separate app to help the author trace (drag a cursor Sprite or a small Ball) around the edges of each area.

Alternatively, you could adapt a flood-fill algorithm to collect the points in the edges and rearrange them into circumferential point lists. (for the brave.)