I'm trying to create a login/ register page. It was working fine whenever it got the email (tag) and name(value). But when I try and make it, so it gets 2 correct fields (email and password) it ends up with the error in title OR " CloudDBError: java.net.SocketExecption: Socket closed"
I have checked my internet connection. It was working when I let the blocks choose either the email OR password was correct (by adding an extra store value field - see disabled block in the SS). but I'm wanting it so the email AND password is correct.
One potential issue you should correct is that while the global variable initializer allows you to reference components and their readable properties, the value will be fixed at the time the app is initialized (so likely it's the empty string). Really what you would probably want to do is instead construct your tag in the button click handler so that it reflects the values at runtime.
Second, you're encoding the password into the tag. This in theory could allow for collision attacks, e.g.:
User: example@store.co.uk
Pass: test
User: example@store.co
Pass: .uktest
would allow the second user to log in as the first user.