CloudDB1 and CloudDB2 is different?

I am not sure why, I used CloudDB2 for some screens, CloudDB1 for some screen (basically duplicate CloudDB) but when I wanted to retrieve info from CloudDB on one screen I couldn't get any until I found out that I had to add another CloudDB (which is CloudDB2) to finally retrieve info. Why is there a difference? Don't they use the same ports key ID and stuff.


Any instance of CloudDB you drag on to your project, regardless of which screen you drag it on to, should have the same token, and therefore relate to the same instance of CloudDB. Thus, a tag you store with "CloudDB1" is available as the same tag on another screen in another instance of cloudDB, e.g. CloudDB2. Hence, there is little point dragging out an additional instance of CloudDB to any screen...

This is using the MIT provided redis server.

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.



This is what happens when I change from CloudDB1 to CloudDB2

My AIA file - focus on screen1 (signing in, creating value on CloudDB1), wallet (checking amount), daijoubumenu (ordering food, basically a food ordering app, it is unable to retrieve value from CloudDB1 but is able on CloudDB2)
SAC2_1 (3).aia (150.6 KB)

Let's take a survey of your various
Screen/CloudDB Component/CloudDB ProjectID values:


Do you notice the difference in the Menu screen?

Also, here is a research question for you:

How should the ProjectID relate to the appname (SAC PreOrder) in Project Properties?

Why do you need CloudDB2 ?

Thank you for pointing out. The ProjectID should be the same for all CloudDBs.

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