Hello friends, I am making an app which uses Cloud DB. I have a big problem with it -
When I get the tag-list from the DB is showing differently in different screen.
This is what i got- Screen1
I can't duplicate this with a test aia clouddb2Screens.aia (3.5 KB)
( I did get an error on Screen2 the first time I ran getTagList, but it worked 2nd time around)
Do your ProjectIDs, Servers, Ports,SSL and Tokens match on both screens ?
The issue may be how you use your different screen. You say you used the same blocks on both screens. Did you place a second CloudDb control on the other screen? The issue could be a second instance of the CloudDb control. We can't see your Blocks Alpha.
Patryk recommended you share your aia file. You do not have to do that but it would help debug if you made a Project using different Screens that exhibits the same behavior.
Urgent? Provide an example that demonstrates the code fails. Your issue may have something to do with switching screens and the fact that a separate Screen behaves like it is a separate app.
a work around is to use virtual screens rather than an actual separate Screen. Did you try that?
Thank you all for your help..... I worked on it and found a solution.
This is what I did-
I went to the working screen and retrieved all data needed for the other screen. No I have now problem with it