Close the App and all open Screens too make Problems

Hello, my app consists of several windows that I can open with a button.
I have a button that brings me back to the start screen and a button that closes the app.
If I press the button to close it happens that I come back to a screen that I once opened.
How can I avoid this? greeting Stefan


That's why people will always suggest to use this (proper switching of screens)


If you have multiple screens to open for multiple button click then use procedure else simple use the direct block without procedure

i don`t have the Block "to prozedure Screen" and "call prozedure Screen"

Oh my God... Please create it.
Or in simple try this


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Thanks was something on the hose

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Close all Screens per Click

Is there a way to close all previously opened screens when closing the app? When I click on "close app" do I occasionally get back to a screen that I had previously opened?

Yes you have to close the current screen and open another :+1:t2:

I suggest you to search for virtual screen method too

Whenever you switch screen based. Above suggestion, then you no need to worry about because there won't be any screen left open behind