See this
I couldn't find any extension that could help you.
You could make a screen that acts like a toast.
For example make_a_toast_v1.1.aia
This way you'll have it fully customizable.
In the companion it has a delay, but in the final apk it's instant.
Try this,
I tried it but it is not removing ShowChooseDialog, ShowMessageDialog, and ShowProgressDialog.
You can read the IsPlaying attribute of player component. When the attribute is false, do something.
Or in this case, when the IsPlaying attribute is true. In that way, you could stop all other sounds when it is.
DismissProgressDialog should only close ShowProgressDialog.
What I have to do in do_something and also what are the components contains Player1?
"do_something" is just a placeholder; you can put any procedure there. Player1 is a Player component.
Okay and thank you your help. But I want to ask that there is any way to stop showing the ShowAlert message on the screen?
Unfortunately there isn't. You'll have to make the notifier message cancellable.
Okay, thanks
It depends on your code, which event call the ShowAlert function. You should post the code screenshot here.