Hello everyone,
in practice by clicking on an image; it should close screen 1 and open screen 4; but instead exits the app
Have you ticked "clickable" in the designer ?
What happens if you replace the image with a button ?
@TIMAI2 I ticked clickable and also tried replacing the image with a button; but the resulting image is scaled down.
But does the app still close if you use a button instead of an image ?
(trying to find out if the problem is with the image event or the code within it!)
I have had similar issues when I open another screen in the Companion, it closes the Companion instead.
Try building it as an APK and install it.
I created the APK but the app still closes after clicking on the image
Post the aia (or better a small test aia that reproduces the problem).
I'm pretty sure there must be another reason for this.
The strange thing is that in the test yard; clicking on the image; successfully switch to screen2. Instead in my farmyard, by clicking on the image; I'm going to load screen 2..where there are more than 7000 blocks..do you think this could cause the app to close?
Disable the Screen2.Initialize
event block and try again.
Do you load (big) images on Screen2 (in the Designer)?
In the end I fixed it by simply setting a Timer to 5000ms; and after the time has elapsed; managed to switch to scree2 correctly. (Obviously making the image unclickable)
Please show the blocks so everyone can learn how you solved it.
I don't see why that should change anything.
what about set the timer interval a smaller one, like 100?
Same question:
In other words, what's the difference if I switch to another screen by clicking a button or an image or if I do it via a timer?
At least when the delay is actually not desired.
at least the end user will not feel the delay.
Indeed a 5000ms interval is slightly exaggerated so I opted for 1000ms; so that all 7000 blocks in screen2 can be loaded. And then the image that I posed; it is also very detailed; then the end user; will appreciate the delay.
To what extent should the timer (with whatever timer interval) provide more (enough) time for loading Screen2
@Nicola_Imperati Please send me the aia via PM.
I would love to check it out and see it with "my own eyes"!