Circular Recycler View : Zooming & Rotating Recycler

This is simple extension to make circular recyclerview

Demo AIA : CircularRecycler.aia (343.5 KB)

Library Used


Will it not work in apk?

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I guess the demo aix will not work in build apk just companion.

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Are you sure it was a good thing to publish the AIA with the extension? Because people are going to extract the extension from the AIA to get it for free when you should pay to get it...

Maybe you should send the AIA to the people after they paid.

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Actually in initialize it checks for either it is companion or license is valid , if valid it initialize circular recycler otherwise dialog with error.
I am planing to remove license and make it free,maybe will post tomorrow if i get time.

Here you can download
com.xt.circularrv.aix (31.8 KB)