[Chrome Extension] AI2Helper - download all blocks seperately and remove all orphan blocks with one click

can't we download individual blocks (method, property) from extension?

function downloadPNGIgnoreOrphan(){
			var topblocks=Blockly.getMainWorkspace().getTopBlocks();
			var blocks=topblocks.filter((block)=>{
				return types.indexOf(block.type)>=0
			if(confirm("Are you sure to download all " + blocks.length + " blocks?")){

				var i=0;
				var timer=setTimeout(function(){

return types.indexOf(block.type)>=0
return types.indexOf(block.type)>=-1

this should be working, not tested.


It worked, thanks @Kevinkun!

today i start ai2helper with this problem
error ai2helper
try donwgrade script, other proyects, nothing works.
the list of methods/var/etc stills displays in one line.
if i copy paste that line to notepad, is all there, also if i click every letter of the line point to a block.

try from another computer, same issue

mayby it's because of this new updates of AI2 server. Will check tomorrow.

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App Inventor 2 block helper-0.7.7 (1).user.txt (11.6 KB)
checkout this modifications, it fix the problem and add some features.


i become too much addicted to your script. Thanks!

Thanks for the update.
I got it loaded and it works, but do I need both the old and new?

nono, only one.

Thanks for fixing the problem.

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updated v 0.7.8

  1. fixe the bug for showing outline as 'iiiiii';
  2. remove the function of "palletes scroll seperately", since it's buggy and this is a native function in Neo interface.

how to install this web extension?