How to choose more than one option in a spinner?
You cannot. Use CheckBoxes instead.
Checkboxes or switches
Switches only allow you to toggle between two values (0 and 1). Why use them, when OP wants to allow the user to pick more than one option at a time?
I meant multiple Checkboxes or switches
This explains whether to use checkboxes or switches.
If all of your options are switches, do not include a 'Save edit' button.
If some of your options are switches and some are checkboxes, only include a 'Save' button for checkboxes.
If ALL of your options are checkboxes, include a 'Save' button.
You should not include a 'Save' button to save the status of switches, because switches are toggle buttons.
As @nishyanthkumar said, you cannot choose multiple selections from a spinner. It is intended to choose only 1 option. Use checkboxes or switches instead, depending on your needs and requirements listed above.
However, do not use radio buttons - there can be only 1 option selected in a list of radio buttons.
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