Changing the start screen

Actually, I made an application.
In that, I included Login screen, Now I want that whenever a user log in, the dashboard screen opens instead of login screen. What should I do? I am unable to find any solution regarding this

You can do automatic redirection to another page in "initialize screen" block.


Use the copy paste method.

when screen1.initialize() {
if (get login == true) {
open another screen - Dashboard

get login can be a tag from tinyDB

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@Patryk_F, what is the use of this block? :thinking:

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It doesn't do much in this case. But I showed that, if necessary, it can clear the tag to restore login. This can be done, for example, on the dashboard screen.
Yes, I used the wrong block from the momentum. Already corrected.


Actually, I used firebase for login system

Fine. Then, when you authenticate the user, set the tag in TinyDb to true. The login screen will not appear then.

This is a general example, as was the general question. If you need more detailed information, you'll need to ask the more detailed question with the blocks and preferably with the .aia file.