Change the Order of the Screen


Start your project again. Good planning will ensure you have all your screens in the correct order.
You can copy all your blocks to the backpack, but you will need to add back all your components.

Use a Virtual Screen as proposed. Create a VA1 arrangement in Screen1 to be your splash screen and add all other to a VA2 which will be hidden. Use clock component and when screen initialize show VA1 for a few seconds and when click timer hide VA1 and show VA2

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Thanks for your help

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try my way

I know that way

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than :confused: :confused:

Hello Sarthak

See my website for a free code snippet:

How can I make it another screen than Screen1 and then show SplashScreen first?

Please make an app which saves canvas image and then show it in the gallery. And then send .aia file of that app. Please help in this. Its a request.

1.- Add Screen... (example Screen3)
2.- In Screen1. Designer, mark Screen1
3.- Keyboard, press Ctrl C

4.- Goto Screen3 (example)

5.- Keyboard, press Ctrl V
6.- In Screen3, Blocks, fix variables:

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I can't understand this. Please give me .aia file to understand it correctly.

Could You Give me the AIA File I Will Try To Edit That using ZIP Or use the method given by @Juan_Antonio it is Easier To follow

Or Else I don't if This Is the good Way Still It works

  1. Download the Aia File
  2. Open it in Any Other distro of appinventor ex Kodular
  3. Add the aia file in that distro
  4. In kodular there is copy Screen Option Copy It paste it
  5. Download it Re import it into Appinventor by renaming it

Check this

Please anybody help in this.

Please be patient and stop spamming.

The answer is you can do it. Here are numerous discussions showing what others have done There are many different ways the order of Screens can be changed. The only thing missing is code showing what you have done/tried.

The simplest way to have a Splash screen in an app is to make Screen1 the splash screen from the very beginning of coding. Developers can use virtual screens Building Apps with Many Screens too.

The problem is solved.

But I want a solution of this.

Please open a new topic in this Community also please stop spamming this forum

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