how can I make the image change to a button every 5 seconds if continuously pressed?
Hello Pierpaolo
When the button is pressed, make it activate a clock timer block which swaps the button image.
ok I can start the cycle in time when I press the button but how can I make it stop releasing the button?
Use the button touch down and touch up events
done but it doesn’t work. why?
What events have you put in the touch up block ?
I have inserted only one block to set the variable to true on touch start, and 1 block set the variable false on touch end.
sorry, it works I tried to make a new project and copied the blocks.
If you are starting the clock with the touch down, then stop the clock with touch up (reset or store position of clock/counter as required)
that’s what I did … it didn’t work but, I solved it by starting a new project and doing the same thing, probably I changed some settings without knowing it, however it works now!
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