Change GOOGLE account

Good evening, I've looked into forum but I havent found an answer.
I want to change my google account and create a new one only for development may I do that and upgrade my installed APP?
I've seen that if I change account, a new realease of the APP isn't upgraded but installed like a brand new....(and I miss all the old data)

  1. Download all your aia projects to your computer.
  2. Create your new App Inventor profile with your new Google account
  3. Select your new google account when logging in to App Inventor
  4. Upload all your aia projects to your new profile

You may find it easier on your computer, if using Chrome, to create a new profile for the new google account

Ty...i've made it but previous app already installed in my phone isn't be upgraded...i've inspect the APK file and ive seen that in manifest file there Is a reference to the account name...

Correct. You will need to uninstall the previous version of the app on your device because you have a different package name with your new google account.

If you want to update an existing app, the following must be identical:

  1. packageName
  2. keystore

When you create a new account at AI2 (→ new Gmail account) both (→ packageName and → keystore) are different. The keystore could be imported from the old account. But that doesn't help, because the packageName must also be identical. Adjusting the packageName afterwards is unfortunately not that easy. the answer is "it's impossible"...thanks all for the answers :slight_smile:

No, it's basically possible. I've done it a few times, but it's a lot of work ...

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