Change color in multiple Marker

Hello everyone ,do you know with what block i can make all markers same color? Also when i click in a marker to change color ?

Code something like this



It seems that this two does not work in my app.Is something else possible to do?

Here is an example showing how the Blocks can be used.

  • Screen1.Initialize creates a List of location coordinates
  • Button1 creates a list of run time Markers and the Markers on a Map component.
    It uses the RTcoordinatesList to generate a set of run time Markers.
  • By default all the Markers are red.
  • button2 changes the Marker color to blue.
  • Clicking on a Marker changes it's color to yellow.

How you use it in your app I certainly don't know. You must have a list of the run time Markers.

Does the example code work for you if you build an aia and run?

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