Cayenne mydevice with mit app inventor

Hi all,
i want to create an app that can store the data in cayenne mydevices as database and use the data in cayenne to my esp32. can anyone help me how to link mit app inventor to cayenne mydevices. i just want to know either it can be done and how to do so or cannot be done.

I have used MQTT and Cayenne, but I have not linked Cayenne with App Inventor, I indicate two links in case you can get any ideas:

ESP32. MQTT. Broker. Publish. Subscribe. ThingSpeak use the extension UrsAI2MQTT it is in Spanish,

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Actually I also did some research for it and it is possible to make it, but I don't know how to use it. I also think it is possible to use UrsaAI2MQTT can manage it since it can connect with others but it has to be many step to do it. In cayenne community I found this extension and I can manage it yet. i want to use cayenne because it has already build an interesting GUI for the data base. I still learning in creating apps since I'm new in app maker because i want to fulfill my knowledge on my electronic. As for now i manage to connect cayenne with esp32 but not with MIT App Inventor.

Here the link where they give guide that is I'm not fully understand

And here the link for the extension.

Does this extension can be used.

Read the links above and try UrsAI2MQTT

later when im free i try it. thanks juan for helping me

need help about mit app inventor with Cayenne device.

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