Caricamento infinito ( Infinite loading )

Hello everyone,
I wanted to upload a 32.4 Mb Mp3 file, but the server did not accept it because it was too big. So I thought of dividing it into 7 Mp3 files of 4.57 Mb each. At this point, when I run it with the Companion, the project runs. But when I decide to run the APK, I see an infinite loading.


Try using the code server

The code server might be a risky place to import an ai2 server export, until it is brought up to the same level as the ai2 server.

The changes in block structure are not backward compatible.

I lost procedure parameter names during testing when I tried a back transfer.

Do you have a test project for that? The new version of ai2 and code should be compatible from the blocks language perspective.

I downloaded Android.Keystore and renamed it to Android.ks. At this point, I removed my 7 Mp3 files from resources and then created the APK. But the moment I try to upload my APK with APK Editor Studio; it says it can't find the specified file :upside_down_face:

It will be a few hours till I can get to my pc.

I had posted a report on this during the first testing round on the blocky specific test server.

Look for the reply from one of the AI1 Founders now on the blocky team (I forget his name)

I just tested backwards compatibility with a code->ai2->code export/import, and procedure parameters passed okay.

Whatever the problem was may have been fixed, or arises under different circumstances.

I'll just have to watch for recurrence.

I imported this project to the code server from the post at

then I applied a series of cleanup and expand block actions to get everything visible and scrollable.

Notice what happened to the procedure parameters in the screen shot of the Blocks Editor.

I am using Brave on a Windows 10 PC.
This is a BLE project, so factor in extension handling.

The original project:
Arduino_GAMEPAD_v2 (1).aia (339.0 KB)

I tried to upload it from this server, but it doesn't work

Basically I uploaded the project to the site: and to my great surprise, I also managed to make the APK..but unfortunately to my dismay, the first player does not start..while if I run the project in the companion, it starts normally :upside_down_face:

I managed to determine the underlying problem and have submitted a fix.

I take it the fix didn't get into production yet.
matrix.aia (12.1 KB)
(A fresh AI2 export, as seen imported to the code server)

How many active Players do you have exactly on your project, which has never been posted?

Why did you mark the issue as 'Resolved' if you still report problems?



I had marked "solved" because through the advice of @tima2 I was able to make the APK..anyway the active players are 7.
I was wrong not to open another topic

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