Cardview tinydb

Idontknow why my saved data in TInyDB cant be retrieved by my cardviewer



to use the PathToAssets method does not make much sense imho...

from the documentation App Inventor Extensions: Tools | Pura Vida Apps

Returns the path to the assets. This method is useful, if you want to access files from the webviewer component stored in the assets of the app.

The method will return file:///android_asset/ in case the app is running after building the app as apk file. For the companion app there can be returned 3 different values: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data//files/assets/ for devices >= Android 10, file:///storage/emulated/0/AppInventor/assets/ for the App Inventor companion app and < Android 10, file:///storage/emulated/0/Makeroid/assets/ for the Kodular (formerly Makeroid) companion app and < Android 10.

Note: this method will work only for the webviewer component. It does not make sense to use it for other components!

any link to the extension?


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