Cara merubah file di spreadsheet agar muncul gambar (How do I change a file in a spreadsheet so that an image appears?)

file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/app_inventor_1631979400827.jpg bagaimana memunculkan gambar pada type file tersebut di spreadsheet?

how to display the image on the file type in the spreadsheet?

  • You would need to upload your image to an online resource
  • Set the image url to the IMAGE() function on a google spreadsheet sheet cell

How do I do it?, I'm just learning

Tolong beri saya tutorial lengkapnya?

You can upload an image to google drive using this method:

You can upload an image file to your online server using ftp or php

Once you have the url for your image you can apply it to your spreadsheet as indicated above. If you want to do this programmatically then you will need to use a google apps script. An example of how you might do this is here:

A lot to learn !!

ok thanks brother