Canvs.Drawtext: Different in iOS and Android

Using DrawText in Canvas
It looks like y position of the text is handled in a different way between iOS & Android.

In Android y coordinate in Canvas.DrawText is the bottom of the text, while with iOS Y is top of the text

Attached is my test program: TestCanvasText.aia (3.1 KB)

And here is the behaviour on iOS and Android

Thanks for your help

The iOS origin/direction of Y (maybe X too?) is different to Android, as you have discovered. Differences between the two platforms has to be expected.

If you are writing a cross-platform App, identify the platform where these differences exist and code for both.

You are right, there is differences between iOS & Android platform. I am working on a cross-platform app and discovering these issues :slight_smile:

If it is possible for App Inventor to hide these differences, this is great, but I understand it may be difficult or impossible.@ewpatton Do you think this mismatch could be hidden?

I am already testing on which platform the app is running:

to handle such mismatch.

What could be good would be to share such discripancies (one other issue is the LatitudeFromAdress: LatitudeFromAddress not working with iOS) in order to help us develop cross-platform app and share our experiences (and help people facing the same pb in the future)

Is it something that could be added on iOS implementation web page: or a dedicated web? blog could be created?

Thanks for your feedback

I think this is fixable.

What about this idea to share cross-plaform issues?