Canteen App (Cart)

I want to show the same selected thing in the cart screen. Like if a kid orders chips two times then in the cart screen it should show two times but in mine, it shows only one time.

possibly it is not a List when you request the values.

Use DoIt to see what is happing and/or make a simple Project showing this behavior an post it?

Here is a sample for you to study:

Note: You can't use a list as a tag.

Umm..... Guys, actually I am a kid so I am not able to understand what u say so please clarify.

Umm..... actually I am a kid so I am not able to understand what u say so please clarify.

Were you able to read the Fruit Stand sample?

Here are some resources to help you learn to use the AI2 tools. A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.

There is a free programming course here Course In A Box and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps

How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: How do you...? .

Also look here App inventor español. Offline. Tutorial. Ejemplos. Instalación. Códigos. Juegos. Curso gratis de App inventor. and here Tutorial Index | imagnity for more tutorials including List Tutorial, Mirrored - @Saj

Learn about components Component Reference
and visit the Library The MIT App Inventor Library: Documentation & Support Help>Library on the MENU

Here is the file-
UpdatedFoodDeliveryApp.aia (5.0 MB)

It went over my mind like a rocket....

I'm not convinced you know the difference between a tag and a value.

Explain it to me, with examples.

Brother, I already told you I am a kid and I have made this from a video. So I don't know much but I know a little bit.