Cannot parse text argument to "list from csv row" as CSV-formatted row issue

lets show me what is the problem with my blocks to get the data from googlesheet same as it was getting from a file


and here is the file format

soi wanna match the data coming from the googlesheet to make locations updated thrrough the googlesheet

Looks like you are trying to get data from a form, and not a spreadsheet. Check your url

ohh got it, yes you are right,
So how can i put , comma between cells to make them separated as its showing in the label like that!

let me show you the difference
here is the data in the label from my sheet

and here is the data in the label from the file

Make sure that "ShowListsAsJson" is ticked in your Project properties

thanks so much,
one last thing please
how can i make thew data matched with the file data
how can i remove the quotaion marks and double quoets to make it matched with the file content?

and here is the file data

You set the data to an AI2 list with the list from CSV Table block

sorry but didnt get you, what is AI2 list, is it a block or what?
or do you mean to make a list block?

From what I see in your blocks, you want to get data from your spreadsheet, then filter it, then save it as csv data to a variable. You can do this with gviz:


thanks so much it worked but also i wanna remove the double quotes to make it same as the file
here is the data file
Destinations (3).csv (1.5 KB)


no guarantees that this will be read as a csv in all settings, given it is not in the correct csv formatting (strings should be surrounded by double quotes)

thanks so much it worked now

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