I have this Code:
I cant seem to Get the Data from the Firebase. but I can get the Tag name and such. It shows "No Data Found"
This is from my Firebase. What might be the Issue?
AppInventorFirebase.aia (3.0 KB)
I have this Code:
I cant seem to Get the Data from the Firebase. but I can get the Tag name and such. It shows "No Data Found"
This is from my Firebase. What might be the Issue?
AppInventorFirebase.aia (3.0 KB)
(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.
The problem is your ProjectBucket. You can let it empty and you can use the tags UltrasonicSensor/ActualData and UltrasonicSensor/SensorData or you can set the ProjectBucket to UltrasonicSensor and then the tags would be ActualData & SensorData.
(or create the bucket "AppInventorFirebase" in your firebase)
Thank you, That solves it. I just added the ProjectBucket and it works
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