So - it had been working for me.
Then I started editing it again.
I tried to change the graphics -the blue "bubble" around each "time".
And I got Anke's error!
Well, phooey.
Any idea what is going on there???
Deleted the new graphics - still won't load
loaded onto another identical phone that hadn't experienced the error - loads fine.
Something residual appears to be lurking about in the code.
I've deleted the other extension (Taifun's Tools - keep screen on) and now get this error -
Unable to load start 1, end 0, length 0 Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
If it works, you can probably put the extensions back. Make sure you refresh your browser / AppInventor app and your companion device. Uninstall the old companion app from your device to clear your assets folder.
Well... it works with the Companion app (I can try .apk if you'd like).
Until -
until I edit it. I just put in a block that told a pushed-button to turn Bold font.
That seems to corrupt it, just like my file.
Error - "cannot find Clock1'
Review -
I have an older .aia with no extensions and it loads fine.
Anke's loads fine. Both on Companion.
Both get corrupted if I edit them. "Cannot find Clock1".
Update - Elimination of variables. This got me to wondering if I can do any editing. So I created a little test file that just changed the button color when pressed. Then I added a clock. And edited it. It runs fine on Companion. So it's not editing itself, it's something else.
OK - I opened the app.
I wouldn't load into the Companion.
I deleted Pod2.png
It was still trying to load; no go.
I deleted the extensions
It loaded live !!! (I didn't restart it as I deleted things)
Thank you so much, Anke and others!
It seems extension issues and the button picture are the problems.
I can live without both, but will continue to test.
I can't live without being able to edit my app. : ),
Ohh , now we're starting from scratch again. The Button.Image has the same oversized dimensions as your first app version (post #1). For the last time, use my app version (with both extensions) and you won't have any problems on any Android version (neither with Companion nor with the APK).