Cannot Build apk no project in project

I can't build the apk, and get an error like this

and I have checked the project and the project does not exist

QRCode_Scanner_MT.aia (4.6 MB)

Can you post your entire error log.

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task succeeded in 0.005 seconds
[LoadComponentInfo] Starting Task
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating assets...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component assets needed, n = 1
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating activities...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activities needed, n = 1
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activity metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component content providers needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] Libraries needed, n = 3
[LoadComponentInfo] Component metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating Android minimum SDK...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating native libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] Native Libraries needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating permissions...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.aquib.clickz.ClickZ" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunFile" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.gordonlu.fadeanimation.FadeAnimation" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.gordonlu.buttonicons.ButtonIcons" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] usesLocation = False
[LoadComponentInfo] Permissions needed, n = 22
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.aquib.clickz.ClickZ" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunFile" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.gordonlu.fadeanimation.FadeAnimation" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] Component services needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating component broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] Task succeeded in 0.004 seconds
[PrepareAppIcon] Starting Task
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Creating mipmap dirs...
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Generating icons...
[PrepareAppIcon] Task errored

How large is your icon file. You have very large images. The are much to big. You could start by changing them to some that are a lot smaller.


That bug is already fixed but some users still experience this issue..

App build with other jpg images but not this one kitakasi-Logosqsm.jpg

1 Like

This one builds QRCode_Scanner_MT.aia (4.0 MB) after compressing the effected image


@ewpatton here you have a project that don't want to build with a odd jpg image,

not even when saving with photo-shop worked, it finally worked after using

If use "Resize/Resample image" with IrfanView and set DPI to 96 or 72 it works:

thanks finally i can make apk by changing using this

Regarding the size of your launcher icon (1064 x 910 px), it should be a square (192x192 px):

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