Cannot access to APP Inventor

Hi all. I cannot log in by google account to app invetor webpage. This message below is what I read after trying to logging in.
Could someone help me to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance

Internal Error or Session Timeout

There was an error processing your request. The most common reason for this is that you waited more then 5 minutes at the Google Login prompt.

This can also happen if you used your browsers “back” button to return to the Google Account selection (or login) screen. If this is what you did, then Return to MIT App Inventor. If you are not logged into the account you wish to use, use the “Sign Out” menu item (upper right hand corner, the account name listed there is actually a menu which you can select). You should then be able to login to the account you wish to.

If this is the case, then close this browser window, open a new window and attempt to login again.

If you continue to have problems, please Visit Our On-Line Help Forum and ask for assistence. You should provide us with the email address of the account you are having problems with. If you wish to protect your privacy, you do not need to provide your e-mail address in the forum, but a member of the MIT staff may request that you send it to them privately so we can debug the problem.

Thanks. And sorry for the inconvience.

press the MIT App Inventor logo > Create App

Problem is to login......when I select my google account, tha page send me the message I've posted.

try this link

Thanks. The link you sent me works but I lost all my projects.
Anyway, thanks a lot.

You're welcome

you have taken too much time to log in. if you leaved the page loading, and done other thing meanwhile, the session timed out. so, try loading the page and loggging in imediactly.

Hi. Now it works normally. I had some network issues this week end..
All projects in list!!! YEAH!
Thanks to all!

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You're welcome :star_struck: :+1: