Can you use two web elements in one application

Good morning,

I am reading information from Google Sheets and google drive but I got an error in the code and I want to check if I can use two web elements in one application one web element for the google sheet and the other one for the google drive.

Thanks for the help in advance

Yes you can

Yes, but if you want to use one web then you must use one global variable to give correct order to the app to proceed further

If you are looking for gsheet set this variable to true or false. And I. Web got text just call this condition of the variable is true or false. Simple

I am getting the error displayed below. How can I solve it?

show your responseContent

I tired to display the responseContent in a label but the application immediately closes

When I disabled part of the code another type of error show

If possible, share us your demo aia

Are you sure your website address correct?

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There is no txt export option for a google sheet. Use csv instead - e.g.


To show an image from google drive:

A useful link:

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