Can We use python in App Inventor?

please tell if we can use python in app inventor

Did you read this?

@Yash_Sehgal22 demonstrated how to use Python code in this example.


not yet, but i will

actually i wanted to program a discord bot using python

with app inventor? are you sure?

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well no, two different topics. I just wanted to know if pythoncode is available in app inventor.

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yes you can use @taifun's skulpt extension, as @gordonlu310 suggested :wink: !
but you have to configure localhost i think

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ok, thanks a lot. But do you use python ?

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yes but I do not program advanced python software

i think you can only run console output of python in App inventor

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ok, thanks a lot again !

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its not a extension you know.


ok whatever, i thought skulpt was an extension


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