Can we create a top button which automatically scrolls up the screen

i think the SOS problem has been solved by ChrisWard
i just want to know that can we create a top button which automatically scrolls up the screen when pressed & is visible when the screen is scrolled down?

Something like this ?

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yes actually something like this
but i want button to be visible every time when i scroll down like you see on ChrisWard's website (example)

You can use extensions to do it. Colintree's List View and Scroll Arrangement Handlers


thanks @dora_paz
i will surely see to it

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If you wish to test how it works

scroll_top.aia (74.0 KB)

ok , i will see it once :+1:

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Just put the "reset" button at the top. it would need to be outside the arrangement you are scrolling to remain "at the top"

ok thanks @TIMAI2
i will make the changes

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