Can we add hover effect to a button?

Hello everyone,
I want to know that can we add hover effect to a button ?


You could create an image with two button states: TouchDown and TouchUp. Remember to leave the images with no text so you can add the text in App Inventor for screen reader support. Open or Install Microsoft PowerPoint, create a rectangle, add the shadow for the TouchDown state. For the TouchUp state, remove the shadow. Return to MIT App Inventor, upload the TouchUp image to the button. Then go to the blocks. Then click the button you applied the images to. Drag the TouchDown Block and then set the button’s picture to the TouchDown image. Upload the TouchUp image from the media section under the tree menu. Then drag the TouchUp block and then set the image to the TouchUp image. Finally, live test your app via the companion or build the apk file. Then you’re all done.

Thank you very much !

...well actually, for a true hover effect, you would use the Button Got Focus Block.

But this block is for PC/Laptop I think.

Try it........... :thinking:

Ok, i will see.

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