I have been trying to get dictionaries to work of a while but every time they seem to fail.
I have made and dictionary with one pair. and copied and pasted the key into the search and it did not work
I have copied the example on the page on the dictionaries
And I even tried comparing it to the list version. to my understanding. The list look up pair and get value from key in dictionary are the same. Just compute the same thing in different from. But the list one works. but if it turn the list of pairs into a dictionary and use the get value from key in dictionary. It dose not work.
Do you see the red X in the upper left corner of the init global examaps block?
Right click on that block and try to clear the error.
The error message is saying that the 'school' key is not found in the examaps dictionary.
Retype and reinsert the same school text block in the examaps and get value request, to make absolutely sure they match. Use the AI2 Copy Block to be sure. Make sure there are no leading or trailing blanks around the word school.