Can I get contacts list from PhoneNumberPicker without picking?

PhoneNumberPicker shows me a list with Favorite contacts at top, how can I get this list ?

So you want to want the phonenumber picker to show the favourite contacts first?

My goal is the Favorite contacts list, maybe PhoneNumberPicker is the correct way

Maybe create a list of your favourite phone numbers in a listview, and when you try to call, use a phonecall component? (not sure)

I don't want create the list, but get the list.

I don't think that's possible in AI2

Have you searched extensions. There are a few in there for accessing contacts / phone numbers...

Try this? (requires a delay of 500ms)

com.gordonlu.contactreader.aix (8.3 KB)

GetStarredContacts.aia (10.1 KB)

Hi Gordon, your ext runs very well now.

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