Can I download google map component in Kodular, then add it to mit app as extention?

Can I download google map component in Kodular, then add it to mit app as extention?

No, unfortunately you cannot.

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App Inventor 2 developers can use the WebViewer along with the Google Static map api to display and program a Google Map. Kodular's component is not needed. Probably everything that can be done with Kodular can be done using the api and calling a Web string url you can construct.

Google Developers

Overview | Maps Static API | Google Developers

Using the api does require a Google API key . The key includes a significant free usage.

A basic example Using the example url from the Google example,New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap &markers=color:blue%7Clabel:S%7C40.702147,-74.015794&markers=color:green%7Clabel:G%7C40.711614,-74.012318 &markers=color:red%7Clabel:C%7C40.718217,-73.998284 &key=YOUR_API_KEY

If the above example were coded in App Inventor blocks, it would look something like this:

shown with my actual key blotted out and some changes made to the example. data.

A more general usage might be like this:

App Inventor 2 developers can also use an intent to display a Google Map without providing an api key. This technique uses an intent. It is more limited but is very simple to code.
The ActivityStarter can let you use an intent. Something like this will post a pin at any specific latitude and longitude. Substitute the LocationSensor code to post your present location

Alternatively App Inventor's Map component (which uses OpenStreetMap tiles ) can do even more things with a map and Markers. It is powerful.


thank you so much

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