Can anyone please help with 2 players leaderboard?

I am doing a 2 player matching pair game

I've done the game logic i just need to add a leaderboard for 2 players...

like name - score and arranged in score's descending order

i've tried asking chatgpt but it's giving me blocks that didnt even exist here and i kept going in circles

here is my aia file
addleaderboard.aia (3.1 MB)

it also have 4 warnings idk what went wrong but its working fine

I'll add wait for it

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there are a lot of topics about leading board, search the forum first.

This is a game between two players but it os not an online game so why you want to add leaderboard in it

it's in my assignment requirements (do top 10 leaderboard) it can be multiple devices or just one device but different names

thank you but i dont know where to connect the tiny db stored value (player insert own name) and the score they got from the before screen (GameScreen) to this leaderboardScreen and how to do it with 2 players.. do i just copy and paste

See those red X in the global init blocks?

Those are not allowed there.

Use something else.