Can 1 activitystarter be used to upload several images

Hello, Do I have to use one activitystarter for each image upload into the app, or can one activitystarter be used to upload several images into the app? Thank you!

This is what I have so far; I need the user to upload 11 images into the app; so far is working...

Where are the images going (setting to imageSprites)
How did they get onto the device ?
Same images for every user ?

  • They are replacing the background image of 11 imagesprites
  • User
  • different images for every user

Will each user have 11 images ?

You need a multi-select system. Suggest the listpicker extension that offers multi-select, load this with the images, then handle the returns. Would be easier to get the user to load all the images to the same directory.

  • yes
  • All that is out of my scope...
  • Question: Doing it the way I am working on them (as per blocks) Is it ok?

The user need to change each image sprite background with their own and each are different from each other

Any specific reason for using the ActivityStarter ?

AI2 has the image picker and the file picker as well.

You would need some kind of counter which increments after an image has been selected and set to the corresponding sprite.

On second thoughts the image picker would not be your best option as it overwrites the picked images after ten have been selected.

Something like this:

If you want the images to persist after the app has been closed, then you will need to store the imageSprite picture file paths to a tinydb

Thank you for that. But, my way is ok?

It is up to you, it is the long way around, it breaks the DRY coding principle (don't repeat yourself), and may present headaches later if you want to change something (11 times...)

You can try this: