Camera: take more than one picture

Hi all.
My name is Felix, I am working in supply chain area and I am creating an app for work related issues.
I have added a camera option to my app. Unforunately it only takes one picture and then returns to the app. Is there any way to take multiple pictures and then return to the app instead of just one?

Would greatly appreciate the help!



Not tried it to see what happens, but have a go with activity Starter, it may allow you to stay with the camera until you press the back button ?

Start the Camera
To launch the Android Camera app, use an activity starter with the IMAGE_CAPTURE Action property. You do not specify an ActivityPackage or an ActivityClass:


This is basically what the App Inventor Camera component does, although it is more convenient to use the Camera component than to use the ActivityStarter in building your app.

the camera extension can take as much pictures as you like without user interaction, however it does not provide a preview of the pictures to be taken


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Found the solution ```



sounds good... could you please provide a screenshot so everyone can learn how you are using it? Thank you.

Sure just some basic instruction here:
Create an activitystarter. Edit the acitivty and put in the “action” field:
Make a buton for me its called “Fotomaken”. This is so that you can call the activity.
Simply calls the activitystarter when you press the button.

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