How do I add a button to open the camera and send the photo taken in the chat? (I'm using clouddb)
Add a button component anywhere you Want and then add camera Component
Add Logics like this
when ButtonCamera.Click
call Camera.TakePicture
when Camera.AfterPicture
if not empty(getImage)
call CloudDB1.StoreValue
tag: join(get global roomName, "Chat", get global userName)
valueToStore: getimage
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I thought you can only store text lists with CloudDB? Arent you just storing the path this way?
Correct me if I am wrong
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You can store images to cloudDB, but you must use a separate tag for each image, and supply a full file path to the image. When you call back an image from the cloudDB it is stored in an appinventorBinaries folder in your ASD.
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Oh, ok…nice to know!
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