my dynamic component is creating horizontal arrangement, inside it it creates both a button and a label, with specific names of each.. i want clicking on that button to display the text property of the label WITHIN that horizontal arrangement , i failed over days ! .. would you please help
Display the text property of the label in what component inside the horizontal arrangement?
i have googlesheet of 500 names going to mit app inv2 as 500 lines .. each horizontal line has label of that 1 of 500 names and button to submit the label text ( student name ) back to google sheet.. using dynamic component to avoid adding manually 500 horizontal lines where each line has label of student name and button to submit that name next to it to google sheet.. my prob is i can not get the text of the label once the button is clicked when i use the dynamic way, i could narrow my 7.8 MB apk into only this few blocks to ask your help.. now clicking on any button gives me back the name on that button, can you PLEASE correct itto return the label's text ? so i am expecting return of LBL 2 IF clicked on button2 or LBL5 if clicked button5..etc
dynamic_help_3.aia (37.4 KB)
you can use 'get id from component' and 'get component by id'.
Who is going to scroll through 500 lines...? are they in any kind of order?
You could of course just use a listview or listpicker for this activity
i owe you with my life you should be proud of yourself
works great , thank you so much
it is in 10 tabs, each tab reveals about 50 names or so,
i just asked for 1 button for simplicity , actual one has 4 buttons horizontally in each horizontal bar next to the student name .. so now with your help i can do the sertic action of each button with sending the name of the student of the same horizontal arrangement bar
thanks for the tip from here in Africa,. but listview or listpicker will do ONLY ONE action , while my real request of my app is 4-5 buttons and each doing something different with the name on the label so no choice but multi buttons next to each name.
thank you for the ultra fast reply and help
one more.. i searched EVERYWHERE,, could not find that << Label.Text of component >> !!! i have worked around like this attach but curious how did you creat it or where did you find it? not under label2 nor dynamic. ! can you please let me know?
i am importing my 500 lines from google sheet by script to the labels and the 500 buttons who were generated with the labels via dynamic are super fine, my prob is the other buttons that i manually added ( not via dynamic component ) when i press on them i get error ( i guess the "WHEN CLICK ANY COMPONENT" is trying to manipulate those static buttons too and can not find their component ID it generate error... how can i keep the dynamic buttons exclusive as dynamic and the static ones to do something else as usual by ( when button1 click )..etc for example..
- i am trying to put background color property as text > #bf744140 , does not work, tried to use make color (3 fields) .. still not accepted, only accepted is picking a color from the temple but not to build by hexa like #bf744140 .. any idea?
thank you so much for your help you all
This is a bad case of buttonic plague.
The cure is a nested list picker
but i need to have like 5 buttons associated with each student name ( label ) .. i can not imagine that clicking on a non dynamic button will trigger any.component script as well !
Have you opened the drawer of DynamicComponent extension and check each block and know what they can be used for? If you did, you will get the answer.
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