The first thing you have to do is ask for permission,
when permission is granted then you can run the extension. Permission Name :android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG Example Blocks :
Second, if you want to run the extension,
you have to put the (call CallHistory1.Get) Block into the (for each item in list) Block ,
Because (call CallHistory1.Get) Block returns a list.
For Example :
After that, the item to be given contains a YailDictionary,
so you have to retrieve the value from within that item using a key.
Available Key :
Example to get value from item with key :
If you want to retrieve the value from the "Type" key you have to do this :
I do. @Salman_Dev I asked whether the extension worked on 4.2 OS before in pre release of the extension; Salman said it was tested to work on all Androids. There is a reason specific questions are asked.
Hi all,
I've tested your extension with the example project provided and it works properly.
but when I try to copy same instructions into another blank project I get permission grant error:
Error 908: The permission android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG has been denied. Please enable it in the Settings app.
I don't understand what is wrong with this new example.