Call variables with special characters like "# $%" & from firebase

Hello again, I am making a code to obtain the values of a child in Firebase, the problem is that this child is a date and all dates have symbols that separate DD / MM / YY, when I want to obtain the range of a date I get this message.

getting the range of dates is the main function of my app. How do you think this can be fixed?

  1. You do not show any of those characters in your firebase data so why are you querying for them?
  2. You may have more success if you reverse your dates to format 2021-01-19 you can then query these alphabetically and use text/sort functions on them in App Inventor.
  3. Your tag values will be coming back as a list, so set the valueIfNotFound to create empty list

You confused the current item from the list with the entire tag list.