"Call ____ to Stop" Not Seeking to Beginning

So I'm doing a little project for school where we make a sound board and I want to use "Call ___ to Stop" so that whenever I click another button it stops all media players and seeks them back to the beginning, however, when I click around and use the buttons it is pausing them instead.

I'm not sure if its my code or a bug, but I would appreciate any insight you have.


Try to use this block


See My Block Example :




Or if you want the block like yours, you can make it like this :

blocks (1)

blocks (2)

If you are only looking to play one sound at a time, you only need one player component, and you then set the sound source as required. This should overcome your problem in a different/better way.

Thank you for the help @TIMAI2

@TIMAI2 @Salman_Dev Thank you guys for the help!

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