CalendarView: Make simple calendar views

Ok, but I don't see any difference between true/false
(at least not with Companion).

Great extension, I'll use it, thanks!

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Yeah great!

@vknow360, it would be great if you add customizations like changing the selection color, next month's date preview, and more. Is it posible?

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This is possible.

This is not possible.
Those methods has been deprecated in Api 23.

Well too late to reply, but even I was testing on an emulator.

I am quite late :sweat_smile:

ChangeLog Version 1.2

New Blocks


com.sunny.calendar-v1.2.aix (7.2 KB)

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Well done, better late than never :slight_smile:

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It's a cool extension...
is it possible to add more dates and assign a label to add notes and appointments?

Unfortunately no.

It is an amazing app. could you please help me to set this calendar such that it should not allow dates previous to current date? Thanks

Welcome to community dear, the community, @vknow360 has not added min/max function in it, u can try an alternative to it :

This aix has min/max

Nice extension but there's a minor problem in it , when you run it for first time it stuck on
[ january 1900 ]

but if you just switched to another app and return back to the same app it takes the correct time and date

can you please recheck or how can this issue be fixed , thank you.

For me it works fine so please post a screenshot of your blocks

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requires an instant not millis

it works fine on the second run or upon switching to another app it's very weird problem i tried it on both my emulator and my android phone

Try on a real device.

I already tried on this device Venus Z10 + Sony Xperia Z5 and the same problem , can you check it , probably because the year 2022

Could you add a more detailed documentation, or at least add descriptions to blocks? I have no idea when this will activate, or how I can/can't use certain call blocks.

Hi @ThisGuy , Welcome to the Community,
Here is a demo aia by Anke:

Date Changed name is quite self explanatory. It is raised when a new date is selected either programmatically or manually by user.