CalendarView: Make simple calendar views

This works fine.
com.sunny.calendar.aix (7.0 KB)

ChangeLog Version 1.1



Nice calendar view.


even more strange....

OK, this was testing with companion on my genymotion emulator (Android 10).

Tested on real device in companion and the date reported correctly.

(I'll have a look at date/time settings on the emulator, see if i can find the issue)

That works now on emulator (but if the same as before, v1.1, I did update. Must have needed a refresh.

All sorted :smiley:

Needs a removeview() block to prevent errors when trying to refresh calendar view.

I do not understand how to use the blocks? Can someone share the demo project file here? I should have to design that arrangement or should be empty, the content will be created by extension itself? Confusing...?

For me it's working fine:

What is the effect of this?

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See blocks above:
calender.aia (8.3 KB)


It specifies whether animation should be shown while scrolling to the given date.

Ok, but I don't see any difference between true/false
(at least not with Companion).

Great extension, I'll use it, thanks!

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Yeah great!

@vknow360, it would be great if you add customizations like changing the selection color, next month's date preview, and more. Is it posible?

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This is possible.

This is not possible.
Those methods has been deprecated in Api 23.

Well too late to reply, but even I was testing on an emulator.

I am quite late :sweat_smile:

ChangeLog Version 1.2

New Blocks


com.sunny.calendar-v1.2.aix (7.2 KB)

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Well done, better late than never :slight_smile:

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It's a cool extension...
is it possible to add more dates and assign a label to add notes and appointments?