This is a description what the app should do:
First the variables eb, gesammelt and m are initialized.
When button1 is clicked eb gains its value from the texbox1 and gesammelt and m gains its values from tinydb1.
Then, if eb is smaller as m, the new values for m and gesammelt are calculated.
The values of m and gesammelt are displayed in label3 and label4.
Then the values are stored in tinydb1.
I've got the following situation:
The values of m and gesammelt are not displayed in label3 and label4.
And I get an error message (see attached).
operation + can not accept "12.34"
Because it is my first app I would be very thankful for help.
Hello newapp,
I guess that what was saying Taifun is that you shall change the "type" of data in the valueIfTagNot There option: you shall use numerical type data (the blue block, instead of the purple ones). The error message you show still refers to string type. So please try to set a 0 value (zero) but change the type.
Hoping it can help.
Dear all,
I come back to my previous post: if the variables contain string, the sum does not work and raises exactly the error message reported.
On the opposite, if the variables contain numbers, it works. And that's all.