in scroll arrangments the buttons have no feedback when clicked.
why ?
In orizz/vert arrangment (no scroll) button feedback is ok instead.
thank you
in scroll arrangments the buttons have no feedback when clicked.
why ?
In orizz/vert arrangment (no scroll) button feedback is ok instead.
thank you
what button? what kind of feedback?
OK, that is with an image. I do not see any feedback when button is on its own, inside a VA/HA, or inside a VSA/HSA.
Is this a new behaviour since release of nb200 ?
I think there is no reasons for this behaviour
One week ago button feedback was ok inside VA/HA or VSA/HSA.
You can always check it on the code server, which is still version nb199.
Yes, issue is from nb200 version
No. I've checked the "ai2" nb200 server and the "code" nb199 server and both work the same. The companion app doesn't show feedback, but the compiled apk does. The same behavior is in nb199 and nb200 so it's not an nb200 problem.
The compiled apk has no feedback.
One week ago I compiled the same .aia and the feedback was present
Yes. I confirm. I think it may have something to do with fixing the action bar in the default theme. When you change the theme to classic, then the feedback will return.
Yes, with classic theme , feedback comes back !
Thank you Patrik !!!