Button sound or click not working on some of the Phones

.its working on Samsung phones ...

And if someone "smart" can help me with banner ad (unity ad ) not working ...?

interstitial ad is working perfect...

same here ...

all other stuff is working good :nerd_face: sorry im half beginner

If someone wants to try ... just ask...

What happens on 'other phones' when you eliminate or disable ALL these Blocks?

The issue could be a conflict with unitlyads or maybe not. :wink:

Ok ..will try that . Thanks :wink:

still no click and sound :thinking:

I have Honor 90 and samsung note and 9+ to try :woozy_face:

Samsung is working super ...

ok can someone try my app with some other phone ?

What is this supposed to do?

If you want to play a sound when the button is clicked why not use Play block. If you want only vibration...I think you can remove that. And 10ms for vibrate....maybe you cannot notice it.