I need to make 3 buttons linked to 3 Url's (websites),
once user of the app click, the app would show the link that connected to this button.
how to do this.
I tried to make the following:
make button, then make invisible (webviewer) and wrote the link (url), and then in blocks I made the following:
- (yellow block) when Button 1 click do - (purple block) call webviewer 1- GoToUrl - (green block) webviewer 1 current Url .
but it didn't work. - (yellow block) when button 1 click do- (purple block) call webviewer 1 - GoToUrl (green block) webviwer 1 visible.
but it didn't work too. - (yellow block) when button 1 click do-(purple block) call webviwer1-Run javascript js webviwer1 .follow links.
but its also didn't work.
I don't know what is the function that I should add in order to work. there is no option (in design) shows that url, or link to something.