Build failed! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the DX stage

Build failed! Error: Your build failed due to an error in the DX stage, not because of an error in your program

Why you put your email id as post topic :triumph:

[mod edit] fixed....

True, there is probably no bug in the project, but the project may be too big for our compiler. There is no specific limit for blocks or components, but the compiler can't cope with a large number. Search the forum for "DX error" and you'll find dozens of topics.

You can try again:

  1. Use Fire Fox or Chrome

  2. Only Run App Inventor, nothing else

  3. Make sure no one else is using-up your Broadband.

There are a few things in the Project that might cause a DX failure, for example you may have images that are too big.

ProfessorCad: Tips & Tricks Cannot Build/Install/Run APK

(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.

Thank you very much, the problem has been solved