Build failed! Connection refused

Hi, I'm receiving this message when I try to build my app "Build failed! Connection refused (Connection refused)"
Are the servers down ?

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The version I tried to use was apparently the "test" version

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Probably the build server has not been fired up after the big shutdown last weekend.

oh, ok

I built my update with the "non test" version of App Inventor but when I try to upload it to the Playstore I get "Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:"
Is this due to me swapping the version I build the app with ?

I exported the app from the test server as an .aia, imported it to my account on the standard server which will build the App Bundle ok but when I try to upload it to the Play Console I get the error -

"Your Android App Bundle is signed with the wrong key. Ensure that your App Bundle is signed with the correct signing key and try again. Your App Bundle is expected to be signed with the certificate with fingerprint:"

Would it be the change of servers used to build the app bundle that has caused the issue ?

:grimacing: me too

Hopefully once the server is restarted things will be resolved but does this mean we can only use that one server in future ? unless we re-write from from the very beginning again on another server ?
I would imagine the intent would be to be able to use any server without issue.

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It appears to be a common problem, now the standard server is reporting "Server error: could not build target. Please try again later!"

Which server did you use to build the project when you first uploaded the app to Google?
You have to use the keystore from that server


Ok, I have downloaded the keystore so I can upload it to whichever server is working :+1: