Build error on old aia

Hi, I'm trying to compile an apk from one of my old aia project (attached) but I got a build error, which ends with:
[PrepareAppIcon] Starting Task
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Creating mipmap dirs...
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Generating icons...
[PrepareAppIcon] Task errored

ESP32Cam.aia (326.2 KB)

(Canned Response)

Your app icon no longer meets the requirements.

Change it in project properties, which has the new requirements.

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My icon is a 512x512 pixels JPG ...

I don't know why that doesn't satisfy the posted requirements.

PNG files, however, work.

This one has a png file converted through a MS Paint load - Save As PNG operation.

ESP32Cam (1).aia (527.7 KB)

ok, now it compiles the apk just right
then, I got a new issue. After download and trying to install on my phone (Ulefone Note 18 Ultra, Android 13), I got a generic message 'Can't install this app on your device'. other external apks install with no issue (I have Google Play Protect disabled). any idea to solve? My concern is still about the icon, that doesn't show on the apk preview in my Download folder:

EDIT: sorry, about the icon, it's ok. I just forget to set it in Project Properties ...

Ciao @GigiG ,
probably your phone already contains the app with the same name, but you've compiled it with a different account ? Please be aware that the name of the app contains a reference to your account, therefore try to erase completely from your phone the old app, and then try to install the new one. In other words, do not "update" the older, but do a fresh new instalaltion.